I begin to play with script in VB, the thing I wish to do is a "select by object type".
the goal is to select all objects of a same kind (circles, points, polylines) on the visible layers
After exploration of the script in the CB folder, if found how to test the kind of an object in a selection list, how to unselect all, but not how to unselect the current object or, other way to do, to get a list of all objects on visible layers (even unselected objects) and select or unselect it.
I try to write this : test object by object in the selection and unselect the current object if not a circle ... but that don't works
sub main
'unselect other than Circle object in current selection
if view.SelectedEntities.Length > 0 then
for each ent as Entity in view.SelectedEntities
if typeof ent is Circle
end if
next ent
end if
end sub
Is there someone that can help my to write that ?