Ok... I DID have the time, because I had a long job running, had all today's design work done, and was only listening for cutters hitting the clamps!
The attached script and sample file explores calculating the enclosed area of an irregular polyline, and calculates its perimeter length, as well.
It uses the ancient "Surveyor's formula".
It presently only works on polys consisting entirely of line segments, and they must be closed polys.
Some work could be done to manage calculating the segment of a circle in order to handle arcs, as well; but I really don't have time for that.
So, if you have a polyline which has arcs in it, do a "remove arcs" on it before trying this.
It will bark at you for un-closed polylines, or those containing any arcs.
Just unzip the file, and place the resulting .vbs file in your CamBam/System/Scripts folder.
Below. Updated 06/20/14 for any closed shape, including circles, and change the name, since it no longer requires polylines, only closed shapes.