A 'crude' beta version of a plugin designed to do arrows and dimensions.
Warning ! works only for V 0.9.8 P of CambamThe plugin adds 3 items in the 'plugin' menu:
Arrows: Draw an arrow ; click the start and end point to draw an arrow. The size and angle is given in the bottom window when finished.
Dimension: Draw an arrow and allow to place a dim text
Dimensions and Arrows - settings: shows the following window:

* you can choose between 5 arrows terminations or no arrow for each ends of the line.
* you can define the width and height of the arrow and also use a scale factor. the scale factor is a quick way to change the arrow termination size without changing the ratio width/height.
* you can choice the font and size used for the dim text. If
scale is checked, the height is equal to Arrow height x scale. If
size is checked, the size given below is used.
* If
text centered is checked, dim text is automatically placer at the center of the arrow, if unchecked, you can place the text by mouse with a 3th clic. (if Esc is used at this moment, the text is placed to the center)
* If
fixed is checked, number are formatted with fixed length.
revisionsversion : first beta version published (04/08/2014)
version : (04/03/2015) make the arrows data persistent after Cambam is closed.
version : (07/03/2015) repeat the arrow command until ESC or middle MB is clicked
version : (08/03/2015) add a very basic dimension tool
version : (08/03/2015)
- bug corrected: the arrow scale is not taken in account for texte size
- bug corrected: an undo is created when abort edit is clicked
- add font name, size and scale management
- add a setting for number of decimals
- memorize windows position between sessions
version : (11/03/2015)
- shortcut added: CTRL D -> Dimensions, CTRL H -> Arrows, CTRL K -> settings
version : (12/03/2015)
- add text placement by mouse
- add fixed decimals option
- add an option to choice between mouse placement or auto centered
version : (20/07/2015)
- bug correction (remove handler after usage)