I developed a new plugin which adds a new submenu with the name "Custom scripts" on the script menu. This plugin help you to open, run and auto startup scripts. With this plugin you can create interactive scripts. Please view the script example.

The plugin gets the configuration from the xml file CustomScripts.xml in the plugin folder of CamBam. You can edit the xml file and add your scripts.
With this configuration the plugin adds 3 new items on submenu "Custom scripts" with name Elipse VBS, Elipse PY and Elipse JS. And auto startup the script with name "Elipse VBS".
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<CustomScripts xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<Name>Elipse VBS</Name>
<Path>C:\ProgramData\CamBam plus 0.9.8\scripts\elipse2.vbs</Path>
<Name>Elipse PY</Name>
<Path>C:\ProgramData\CamBam plus 0.9.8\scripts\elipse2.py</Path>
<Name>Elipse JS</Name>
<Path>C:\ProgramData\CamBam plus 0.9.8\scripts\elipse2.js</Path>
For example, if you have a script for add a circle, you can ask to the user what is the value of x, y, z and diameter of the script, like this:
const x as single = 0 'DESC:Position x of the circle
const y as single = 0 'DESC:Position y of the circle
const z as single = 0 'DESC:Position z of the circle
const diameter as single = 20 'DESC:Diameter of the circle
sub main
dim c as Circle = new Circle()
dim p as Point3F = new Point3F(x, y, z)
c.center = p
c.diameter = diameter
end sub
The result is this:
Get value for variable x:

Get value for variable y:

Get value for variable z:

Get value for variable diameter:

Final result:

Please find in attach the new version of the script elipse in vb, python and js language.
Installation guide
- extract the file CustomScripts.zip
- copy the CustomScripts.dll and CustomScripts.xml for the plugin folder of CamBam
- edit CustomScripts.xml file and add your scripts
- if you what, extract elipse2.zip and copy the example scripts for the script folder of CamBam
I hope it helps someone.
Change log
- Resolved problem with load xml when open CamBam from project file;
- Owner inputbox has changed to the inputbox of the CamBam.
- Resolved problem with load xml when open CamBam from project file;
- Resolved problem with path of the dll output;
- Show an alert if the script file doesn't exit.
- Resolved problem with load xml when open CamBam with a startup script;
- New features:
- Added code for localization the plugin. List of string messages:
- Custom scripts
- Cannot load the configuration file!
- Alert message when script is loaded and cannot open the xml configuration file.
- Close script window?
- Confirmation box if the parameter AutoHideScriptWindow is set to false.
- Information
- Caption for the confirmation box "Close script window?"
- Cannot load the {0} script!
- Alert message when the plugin cannot find the script file.
- Value for {0}
- Caption on input box for get new value of a script parameter.
- New parameter on CustomScripts.xml file, <AutoHideScriptWindow>true</AutoHideScriptWindow>. If set true, the script hide the script window when opens the script.
- Resolved problem with open first or other scripts if you have two or more script define on xml file