@Eddy & All,
i'm really pleased to see that there is a possibility to use the 3D SpaceMouse as an input device in CamBam.
The latest driver is also a quite customizable by the user, so you can adapt it to many other programs that do not necessarily support 3D input devices. I used to play aorund with it when i had it installed.
The very unfortunate thing for me is that i
cannot get the latest driver to install on my Win7/x64 machine any more (yes, i was able once which was about a year ago).

It always interrupts the install with an Error 1603 which is upposed to be an Windows Installer Error, but i wasn't able to get this fixed. Even in the Support forum of 3DConnexion the same bug reports appears several times, but with no sufficient solution!?
So if anyone of you guys have an idea on how to get this fixed, i'd appreciate any comments!