This is a conversion of BillT's Drag-Knife script in this thread; contacted Bill in the first instance and got his response;
"You are welcome to post it to the forum, probably start a new thread with a link to the old one."
So this is a plugin, the conversion was as close to Bill's code as I could make it.
I've attached a test file that Dragonfly posted in the original thread, running it through both the original script and this plugin I found no differences.
But please satisfy yourself that the plugin is working correctly before cutting any material.
1. Unzip the attached zip file
2. Copy the extracted Dragknife.dll to the CamBam Plugins folder
3. Restart CamBam
4. A new menu item has been created, Plugins -> Drag-Knife
5. Click on the menu item.
6. Hover the cursor over a Label on the popup form to get ToolTipText information.
Any question, please post here.
@David, no translation code included yet.
Edit: Updated with error message if Polylines have issues that need fixing.
Edit: Updated with a check box to Enable/Disable Log Messages, big speed improvement if Logs not required.
Edit: updated with polyline direction buttons
Edit: updated, all input boxes will take positive and negative numbers, you decide.
Edit: updated (to v4), there was a point missing from the swivel path (only when using the retract feature) which caused the swivel to ramp back into the material instead of swiveling at the RetractDepth.
Edit: updated ( to v5), see this post; Edit: update version 6 attached
Has been compiled with .NET version 4 assemblies and references to CamBam v1.0 dlls
Has been modified and tested to work on;
Works with CamBam version 1 ONLY