HI Armando
Yes the address is correct if you are using the debugger (so you can debug in real time as cambam is running)
as there are some debugger files that need to in the plugin folder as well.
On a side note I checked out the C# libraries you pointed out on OpenCV (Emgucv) someone has done a lot of work on that project (good work).
But what I want to do is run OpenCV on a stand alone microcontroller (for a machine fault detector) and after a lot of research I've found out that Qt with C++ on a beaglebone Black or (the upcoming beaglebone Green) may be my best choice for maximum response time, as the beaglebone has two independent PRU's running at 200 mhz

so I can do other things (send reports to the web) with the core while the fault detector runs independently.