Version 2.0 adds support for the Profile MOP in addition to the Pocket MOP - now there is two MOPs in one dll.
Binary was renamed from 'trochopock.dll' to 'trochomops.dll'.
Make sure to delete trochopock.dll before upgrading.Old text follows:
While my machine is being offline, I've spend a few nights finishing the trochoidal pocket plugin mop
(started here:
It's a preview version, some gremlins are hiding inside for sure )
The generated toolpaths are some kind of HSM peeling. Pocket is opened with the expanding flat spiral, followed by a number of trochoidal slices. Slices are rolling along the branches of underlying tree, covering the whole pocket.
Plugin is done as a new kind of MOP, so usage is straightforward - pick polylines and go, just as for the usual Pocket MOP )
MOP-specific parameters:
Chord Feedrate - feedrate for the slices chords.
Also applies to the movements inside the pocket. Plugin tries to eliminate most of Z movements,
so there would be some moves inside the milled area.
If 0 use cutting feedrate.
Minimum stepover.
Plugin tries hard to keep the specified stepover all the time. This may result in undercut corners.
Use this parameter to relax stepover requirements.
Return to base
Try to approach the start of the next depth level without z-movements
Spiral feedrate
The feed rate to use for the spiral opening the pocket. If 0 use cutting feedrate.
Smooth chords
Connect slices with the smooth arcs where possible, forming a continuous curve. On some machines it may
work better than 'D' shapes, accounting for the acceleration limits.
Show chords
Display chords after the toolpath is generated. Turn on to add a lot of clutter to view or for the sake of curiosity.
A few quicks:
Do not use transform on mop, results may be unpredictable. Mop transform parameter is disabled. Part nesting won't workManual startpoint is working, but don't use it if there are a multiple pockets in mop.
Plugin is experimental, use it with care. Bugs are expected. Simulation and/or air cutting are recommended.
I didn't try it on a real hardware yet :-)Note: toolpaths are started from a straight plunge now. Make sure cutter will tolerate it or open entry with a drill.__
Version 2.0 adds support for the Profile MOP. It uses the same slice-generating code as the Pocket MOP and share
the same parameters except the Minimum stepover.
Profile-specific parameters:
Cut Width
It's the same as in conventional profiling, but controls the radius of slices. Default cut width (0) means width = 2 * tool diameter.
This profile MOP is kind of limited - it does no collision detection, toolpath joining and ordering, no support for the holding tabs, toolpaths may overlap, etc. But should be useful enough for the basic profiling.
Source code: version dlls for CamBam 0.9.8 and 1.0 are attached below.
Previous versions are available at
* matrix transform of the generated toolpaths is allowed now
* using the Voronoi partitioning code - should be much more robust ! this version is CB1.0+ only
* a lot of fixes for wide-angle slices - completely missed slices, wrong entry TEA calculation etc
* special handling for circular pockets
* each slice is made from two arcs now
* fix for the extra wide-angle slices collapsing in some cases (see post
* profile mop with roughing clearance = -cut_width / 2 is treated like engrave (path is followed exactly)
* precise choice of profile start point for closed polylines, not limited to the knots
* spirals spacing are calculated to better match TEA
* tangent lead-ins for profiles are tangent to the original curve now (as in normal profile)
- 'return to base' option is removed proved useless
* fixes
* fix for duplicate icons in translated version with CAMToolbarAddins plugin installed
* massive internal refactoring
+ profile MOP based on the same slice code
+ 'smooth' chords option
+ machining time estimation
+ small 3 degree lead-in on slices to prevent the cutter hitting the wall
+ optional display of chords after the toolpath generation
- removed 'segmented slices derating' option. calculated automatically now
+ new bugs
* various fixes
* fixes for the incomplete pockets in some symmetric cases
* fixes for some complicated shapes
* new tool engagement estimator, true angle of engagement is analyzed
* change of the way feedrates are passed to the CB g-code generator
* fix for compatibility with older version of CB libraries (used in Linux version)
* setting for the feedrate of opening spiral
* mop-specific feedrates are now default to 0 (means 'use cut feedrate') to be consistent with other feedrates in CB
* fixes
* standard lead-ins are implemented
* nesting is working now
* vairous fixes
* +mixed mill direction
* fix for the duplicate toolbar icon
* fix for imperial units
* initial version