I'm playing with VB script to try to do toolpath for 3D models to cut with the 4th axis.
The goal of the script is to "unroll" the 3D model so we get a bunch of polylines.
this polylines are converted to points with the digitize import plugin, then the same plugin is used to do a stl.
http://www.atelier-des-fougeres.fr/Cambam/Aide/Plugins/Digitizer.htmla 3D machining mop is used to do the toolpath, then the wrapper plugin is used to wrap them for the 4th axis.
some data can be changed in the script in the following section (a little rough ... I write it this night ... no it's coffee time !)
dim min as double = 0.1 ' the start and end point of the toolpath (boundaries)
dim max as double = 100
dim ss as double = 25 'stock surface
dim stp as double = 0.5 ' resolution along the axis in current units
min and
max values are the boundaries along the rotational axis, here it go from 0.1 to 100mm in Y
ss must be set to the radius of the stock
stp is the distance between the points in the toolpath, in the axial direction.
the script ask for a number of rotational step (60 by default).

It can be very long to compute, depending of the settings for stp and rotational step ... and also depending on the number of triangles of the 3D model.
Enjoy to experiment

a little video that show the workflow and the result (simulation)
https://youtu.be/pBVQY4pFwQoof course, in further version, I'll try to do the 3D surface without to use the digitize plugin ... and to pluginize the script
