Thanks for this release

Nice, it is more easy to experiment now !
Just one or two things:
- when we click on the CB display area (to zoom or rotate the view), the plugin windows is masked, and if we minimize the CB main windows the plugin windows is not minimized.
I do not know the C# syntax, but to solve that in VB, in the function that is called by the menu click I link the plugin form to the CB main form.
Ex in my nummove plugin
Public Shared Sub plugin_clicked(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim f As Form = New ClassLibrary_nummove.MainWin
End Sub
another pb that I encounter and I just solve appears if:
- you open a plugin like my nummove plugin
- you go to another application that open a windows that cover the CB and plugin windows (ex: your web browser)
- you return to CB (without to close the browser windows) and you close the plugin windows.
in this case, it is not the CB windows that is automatically bring to front but the last windows that was in front. (the browser in this case)
to solve that I just add:
CamBam.ThisApplication.TopWindow.BringToFront()in the FormClosed events of the plugin form.
I also set the 'ShowInTaskBar' property to false, because we no longer need it if the plugin windows stay on top.
- other texts except the combo in the form are still not translatable. (maybe the 't' tag is missing in the form property ?)
the other suggests are for the doc ; maybe say that the tag
must be uppercase, and maybe add the examples to the doc itself ?