Adds snap points similar to JK's plugin but this one needs no menu item to initiate and it handles zoom etc.
In other words it's just as if it was built into CamBam.
It's all thanks to JK finding the right CamBam method.

Works with CamBam v1.0 and 0.9.8
Edit: v2 attached
1. also works with polyline that has bulge
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Should work with 0.9.8 and 1,0
Added "snap to intersections"
Edit: v4 attached
1. Added a form to enable/disable snaps, Plugins->Snappy
The form can stay open while drawing and options can be turned on/off as you draw.
2. Translations added (I hope)
3. Form options are saved in Windows Registry
Edit: v5 attached
1. selected snaps now active without having to load the form first.
2. added 'cursor hide' feature by JK. Use the check box to enable/disable whether the cursor should hide itself when over a snap point.
Edit: v6 attached
1. fixed buttons if snap toolbar plugin is installed
2. fixed 'hide cursor' bug
Edit: v7 attached
snaps work on all layers
Edit: v8 attached
Cursor should not hide if a dialogue box is active.
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Cursor should not hide on Entity Select
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Added snap point at 0,0,0
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Detects invalid entities and avoids them without crashing.
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Ignores hidden layers