Ok, translatable, but please, remove the translation for "Version 2.0" text, or only translate "Version", because each time a new version of the plugin will be created, each time a new entry with a new version number will be added to the translation list.

2 small things to repair:
- the plugin windows disappears if we click in the cambam display area and is not minimized when the main CB form is minimized
- the plugin windows can be opened multiple time.
What I use in VB in the BoxAuto plugin to solve this 2 issues
'exit if the form is already opened
For Each fm As Form In Application.OpenForms
If fm.Name = "Tool_Make_Box_Creneled" Then Exit Sub
Next fm
'attach the tool windows to the main cambam window, and open it
Dim f As Form = New BoxAutoPlugin.Tool_Make_Box_Creneled
also in the FormClosed function, I add the following code, so the main CB windows is forced to the front of the display when the plugin window is closed.
In the case of this plugin, it is not really useful that the display stay accessible, so maybe it's more easy for youy to just set the plugin form as modal.