As requested here; find attached version 1.0 of the "AutoSave" plugin.
This plugin automatically saves the current CamBam file without user intervention to a location and at time intervals set by the user. It creates multiple saves as described below.
Tested on CamBam 0.9.8 and 1.0 under Windows
I have to say this;
Disclaimer: the decision to use this plugin is yours, I cannot accept liability for any damages or loss of date caused as a result of using it.
Having said that I've tested it for a while now and it's working as planned. The plugin does not interfere with standard File->Save and File->SaveAs functions so use these as you normally would.
1. Install the plugin as normal whereupon a new entry will appear in CamBam's 'Plugin' menu.
The plugin is 'enabled' by default on the first run when CamBam starts.
2. Use the form that pops up via, Plugins->AutoSave, to set
Interval between AutoSaves (in minutes 1 to 120)
path to the AutoSave folder (allows to also create a new folder)
Enable/disable the plugin
These settings are saved in Windows' Registry
3. Saving a CamBam file is not trivial (not for me anyway) so because it's tried and tested I used the internal method that CamBam employs when you do a normal, File->Save or File->SaveAs
This method takes care of, multiple backup files, overwriting, adding new files.
It uses the setting in Tools->Options->File Backups.
If for example you have this set to 3 then the AutoSave will create 4 files, the 'real' file and 3 backups and it will overwrite these files as time progresses so you end up with the 4 most recent versions of the cb file.
4. AutoSave file naming convention is, the CamBam filename + "_Autosave.cb"
Example: if your cb is called, "MyCamBamFile1.cb" then the AutoSave file will be called, "MyCamBamFile1_AutoSave.cb"
5. The plugin issues status messages in CamBam's bottom log window