Resources => Scripts and Plugins => Topic started by: GeoffreyGRoy on August 15, 2018, 03:43:16 am
This is a new plugin that is intended create a new Surface object from two Surface objects by applying a mathematical operator on them (+, -, x, /) in the Z-Axis direction. An STL file is also created and saved for the combined surface.
Comments and suggestions welcome.
I am attaching a new version (1.0.2, vers 1.0.1 did not fix the problem), to fix a problem with the Delaunay triangulation when one surface is completely flat.
I am attaching a new version (1.0.3), see notes later in this thread
Hello Geoff
I'm playing (and translating) with the plugin, but I think that I don't understand all :-[
I'm trying to add/substract a shape (surface 6) that look like a bowl from a flat ellipse (surface 2) ; the goal is to obtain a "print" of the bowl in the ellipse. The resulting objet must only keep the ellipse contour and remove the extra material of the bowl.
But no luck I can't understand how to do ; and I get an error message if one of the "include all" is unchecked.
I attach the file and screen shot
Ah ah ! ... It works if the ellipse is not totally flat.
The results with a 3D cube (closed, done with the extrude solid CB tools) and a bowl done with Eddy's Revolved extrude plugin.
Works, but only the top of the cube remain in the resulting objects ; but maybe it's a normal thing ? ... I assume that this plugin is not exactly the same that a Boolean operation like on 3Dsmax ?
nice job ;D
It's difficult for me to imagine what can be done with the * and / operations ;D do you have any examples ?
First time I see this plugin but I feel I may be needing it soon :)
Dear David
The error reported comes from the Delaunay Triangulation. It seems that if you have an absolutely flat surface then the algorithm fails. Providing the surface has a (very small) Z-difference then it seem to be OK. I will see if I can fix this. Also, it will not triangulate vertical surfaces - hence the missing sides on the cube. This is a restriction on the algorithm. It is not intended to be an any way similar to a Boolean operation.
I am attaching an example using the mult(X) operation. I am not sure it is particularly useful, but one never knows. In essence one surface it set up to represent the multiplier with a range 0 to some (smallish) value. Large values are likely to cause chaos. The attached image shows the multiplier defined as a pyramid shape with a range 0 to 10.
I have posted a new version that should fix the flat surface problem.
I redo a test with a flat surface and V 1.01 and ... same result ... ??? (same with - and +)
If I slightly rotate the oval around Y axis (0.1°) that works ...
test file attached, and picture to see settings.
Dear David
I have tried out the CB model (Sans titre.cb) that you attached, but I cannot reproduce the problem. I have used the same settings that you had but it seems to work for me, see attachment. Had you already rotated the oval? If so, could you please post the original file for me to test.
The file David attached has one surface already rotated.
I've redrawn the surfaces and these ones never had any rotation applied, you can see it failed.
Had you already rotated the oval? If so, could you please post the original file for me to test.
Oops ! ... yes I attached the wrong file ; the oval is already rotated 0.1° on Y axis.
Eddy's file is the right file to test (I get the error with his file)
tested on CB V1.0 (Is it compatible with 0.98 ?)
tested on CB V1.0 (Is it compatible with 0.98 ?)
No, wrong version of .NET by the look of it.
Dear David
The bug is more devious that I thought - I will work on it.
Dear David
I think I have now fixed the problem - it was related to having a completely flat surface, as suspected, but please try out this new version (1.0.2) and let me know if the problem has gone away.
Also, I think the plugin will only work for CB 1.0
thanks for the patience
Hello Geoff
Plugin added to the web site ;)
I have updated this plugin to V1.0.3. The changes allow a surfaces to be clipped by a closed shape in the X,Y plane.
While this could have been done in the previous version (by creating a flat surface at Z=0, then "Adding" it to the selected Surface, the new options are simpler to work with, if all you want to do is to clip a given Surface to some arbitrary shape in the X,Y plane. The clipping shape can be a closed Polyline, a PolyRectangle or a Circle.