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Messages - ajayre

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 8
CamBam help (General usage) / Re: Isn't there ANY simulator?
« on: June 07, 2016, 17:15:37 pm »
OK, that is what I thought. Seems strange recommending a complete alternative set of tools to CamBam on the CamBam forum.  :P

CamBam help (General usage) / Re: Isn't there ANY simulator?
« on: June 07, 2016, 13:29:20 pm »
So... how do I load gcode from CamBam into Autodesk Fusion 360 and simulate it?


How to's and tutorials / Re: Inlay using V-Engrave
« on: May 16, 2016, 11:27:06 am »
Well, it's been nearly four months but finally got time to give it a try.

Gambel's Quail in Corian with mahogany.

I used a 30 degree V-cutter, 1mm and 0.5mm endmills.

I'm planning to finish it with Tru-Oil.


How to's and tutorials / Re: Inlay using V-Engrave
« on: January 21, 2016, 21:52:16 pm »
Thanks dh42, that worked great!

Also thanks for posting the detailed Cutviewer tutorial.  :)

How to's and tutorials / Re: Inlay using V-Engrave
« on: January 20, 2016, 20:05:17 pm »
Struggling a bit to get this technique working.

1. In the attached file I am trying to run it on a region to create the v-engraved profile for the substrate. In a couple of places I have strange lines.

2. I seem to be missing a step to generate the correct output for CutViewer. I have all the tool settings entered but I guess the Mach3-CutViewer post processor doesn't use them. I found a reference to Mach3CVEngrave.cbpp but I don't see where that can be downloaded from.

Code: [Select]
( TOOL/MILL,3.175,0.0,0.0,0 )
Tool is a 3.175mm shank 30 deg v-cutter.

Thanks for the help!

CamBam help (General usage) / Re: Clean Up Ends of Part
« on: October 04, 2015, 21:50:40 pm »
Thanks for all the replies! Here is the solution I've used.

First, the python script from Lloyd and as mentioned by Bob:

I've reproduced it below with line scale changed to 1.20 from: (19.05mm + 2mm + 2mm) / 19.05mm

Code: [Select]
# In Place Resize


if view.SelectedEntities.Length > 0:
    for ent in view.SelectedEntities:
        cp = ent.GetCentroid()

Script -> New -> Python Script
Copy and paste from above
Select first line, run script
Select second line, run script


CamBam help (General usage) / Clean Up Ends of Part
« on: October 04, 2015, 14:02:28 pm »
Attached is a CB file that cuts out a curved segment of a circle. For the arcs I have a 2mm clearance that is sanded away later on. For the ends of the segment I need a precise cut for butt joints so I have a finishing pass with zero clearance.

However, doing this means I get ends with slight lips to them, which is a hassle to sand away manually because I need the ends to be precise.

Is there some trick or technique I can use in CB to extend the finishing pass cuts on the ends of the segments a bit further?

Thanks, Andy

Related Softwares / Re: Autoleveller Software
« on: November 07, 2014, 07:23:15 am »
Why did Andy build CamBam when there are literally hundreds of already existing CAD/CAM program? Beats me. He just did.

I think it's clear - there was a gap in the market for a high-quality, feature-rich, easy to use and affordable CAM application. I haven't seen anything that comes anywhere close to it in terms of value for money.


Related Softwares / Re: Autoleveller Software
« on: November 06, 2014, 23:25:11 pm »
Seems the target audience is people wanting to cut their own PCBs.

I am struggling to understand why anyone would want to do that these days, apart from very fast turnaround.

For example I can get 10 pieces of 100mm x 100mm, two layer, soldermask, double-sided silkscreen, 100% etested, 6 mil resolution for $1.30 a board (includes delivery to the UK). OK, so I have to wait three weeks to get them.

I'm not sure how much time it would take me to create basic PCBs on a CNC machine, but there is an opportunity cost to consider.

So I would be interested to understand why people do do it.  :)


To clarify - I never experienced this error. There is a multi-page thread elsewhere on this forum about it. I added it here for Andy's benefit so he can quickly and easily find it. I didn't want it getting lost.

Finding it is not like a segmentation fault. It's an unhandled exception. :) I'm not sure what development tools Andy uses, but it will already have a debugger built into it. So rather than endlessly debating this let's leave it here for him to see when he has time. :)

Sorry, but a better error message is easy. Cambam is written in C#/.NET so here is what is needed:

Code: [Select]
  // attempt to load in default drawing template
catch (NullReferenceException)
  MessageBox.Show("There was a problem loading the default drawing template. Please repair your installation, etc, etc");

NullReferenceException = "object reference not set...". It's nothing like a segmentation fault.

The same principle could be applied at a lower level to identify exactly what part of the file is faulty.



Seems to produce the generic "object reference not set..." error.


Scripts and Plugins / Re: V-Engrave Plugin
« on: September 23, 2014, 08:51:09 am »

Your technique worked well - see attached. Thanks!

Any ideas why the vengrave toolpath is executed three times?


Scripts and Plugins / Re: V-Engrave Plugin
« on: September 22, 2014, 20:28:00 pm »
Thanks! I'll give those suggestions a try.


Scripts and Plugins / Re: V-Engrave Plugin
« on: September 21, 2014, 20:44:52 pm »
How can I get the VCarve Pro effect shown in this image?

By using V-engrave on a region and the pocketing the region with a suitable roughing clearance the attached image is the closest that I have come, but this method leaves a plateau on top of the letter.

Thanks, Andy

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