Hi there,
for me personally CAMBAM and my workflow is perfect.
I spent a lot of time to automize my workflow to 99%.
But I´m using 2.5D only. The known bugs I can see are not nice, but acceptable to me.
For me there is another question in this bermuda area :
For Andy seems "disappeared" :
1.) What about the license server ?
What will happen, if it´s turned off or gets damaged ?
Can I run CAMBAM anyway ?
Can I Install CAMBAM if need a new computer ?
Hallo Bernhard,
I have always worked with all the options CamBam offers, including 3D Mop. I don't know of anything better and I'm not actively looking for an alternative.
I simply didn't know that CamBam causes problems because I never noticed it. This is simply because I have always used the identical values for stepover and resolution.
There are quite a few bugs that I have learned to deal with, even in earlier versions.
Many of the old bugs that still exist were then rediscovered.
David only created the bug report a few years ago. The Gitlab bug list has only been around since version 1.
Over the years I have written bugs and workarounds in my wiki.
To your questions
1.) There is no "license server".
2) There is only one server that outputs the message that you have the current version.
This message can be switched of in the configuration under: "Check for updates at program start". There is then no connection to the server.
There is no online check of the license number.
3) Can I run CAMBAM anyway?
I have been using CamBam on my milling machine for 10 years without a connection to the Internet. CamBam doesn't need it and neither do I.
I have saved the current installation file (and all old versions) on my computer. I think I should have all versions since CamBam Beta 0.5.b in my backup.
If you have a new computer, you install .NET 4, then CamBam, enter your license number and continue working
The license is contained in a text file (CamBamPro.lic) within the CamBam programs folder. It is better to save this file (CamBamPro.lic) as well, then you don't have to type in the license, just copy the file into the cambams program folder.