no there is something totally wrong with the stl files.
The first line still shows the path to the file.
The structure for ascii STL files is
facet normal 0.00 0.00 1.00
outer loop
vertex 2.00 2.00 0.00
vertex -1.00 1.00 0.00
vertex 0.00 -1.00 0.00
endsolidThe problem if the path is in the header occurs if I work in a network and the HD (Y:\) is different from the different PC. A HD is from the first PC C:\ and rom the second Y:\
. But the filename must no be in the first line. I try this and the files work if in the first/last line is only a solid/endsolid.
The bigger problem are the decimal comma instead of the decimal points.
Here I read :"where each n or v is a floating-
point number in sign-mantissa-"e"-sign-exponent format, e.g., "
2.648000e-002" .
The coordinates are sometimes with a decimal point (facet normal) and then with a comma (vertex).
But all coordinates must have a decimal point. I can´t open the saved stl file. Not in Cambam and not in a different software. Meshlab tells me again the
"Error details: Premature End of file"After changing all comma to points (in the vertex coordinates) the file work in every software.
If I check the option "open in cambam" the file opens in CB correctly.
The attached file armando2.txt. If I check the option "open in cambam" in your plugin I get a object with the size:
Min : 0,0,0
Max : 68.61,65,36.568
Breite (X) : 68.61
Höhe (Y) : 65
Tiefe (Z) 36.568
It is correct in cambam, but the saved STL file I can´t open in different software (e.g. Meshlab, C4D, Blender)
If I reopen the Armando2.stl in Cambam from the disk I get a wrong size and I get a wrong facet orientation:
Min : 0,0,0
Max : 68610000,65000000,36568000
Breite (X) : 68610000
Höhe (Y) : 65000000
Tiefe (Z) 36568000
I open the Armando2.stl in a text editor,
I delete the path and filename from first and last line and change all comma(,) to points (.)I save this file as Armando2_comma2points.stl
If I open this file in Cambam I have no problems to open it and it has the right size. Also in the other software I get no error
The 3 files are attached in a zip archive.
I am very surprised that you have no problems with the stored STL files.