"how to I enable CamBam to recognize and open such a file?"
Cam Bam recognizes file types by, generally, the file type suffix, an example of which is DXF. Once Cam Bam recognizes a file type, it knows what to do.
The workflow from design to part is like this:
CAD => Cam Bam => CNC
or, to state by file types:
1. DXF [a file type from a CAD program] => Cam Bam
2. Cam Bam then converts the DXF file to g-code
3. g-code => controller program [MACH3 or EMC2] => CNC controller [example: Gecko G540]
4. G540 generates electrical impulses to stepper motors on the CNC machine and the stepper motor driven carriages or lead screws in turn move the cutter about in XYZ coordinates which in turn makes the object you designed.
Hope this helps.