And thank you to everyone that participated in early early testing.
Sorry, I meant to say that in the original post... Thanks Guys!
Also another huge thank you to David for testing and his great work on the forums.
And to all the fantastically helpful forum regulars THANK YOU!!
Installed and running just fine. The script object feature is HUGE ! Expecting to use it a lot.
I am looking forward to sharing more examples of what the scripting objects (and other features) have been up to.
But even more to seeing what uses you all can come up with.

Where can I make small donation?
No donations necessary. Please just put it to good use and make wonderful things!

Can this version and the previous co-exist on the same computer? How to handle that? Are there new entities that the older version would not recognize?
CB 0.9.8 should be able to open files created with V1.0, apart from script and bitmap objects (the file should still load but those objects will be missing). You can still make use of them though by 'exploding' script objects or converting bitmaps to polylines which can then be read in 0.9.8.
Other than that, they should act as two separate programs and not interfere with each other.
...First thing I've noticed on launching the 1.0 version is that it loads noticeably faster...
That's good to hear. Likely lack of plugins, but using the .NET framework 4 may also be helping a little.
Happy machining!