Dear All
Here is vers 1.0.2 of my ProfileCarve plugin. I think I have fixed the issues raised by David (

There seems to be no fully satisfactory way of avoiding conflicts when using the Tag field, but I have included in this version a possible proposal that would allow different plugins to share the Tag field providing some agreement is reached to use a standard syntax and a plugin specific identifier. In this version of the plugin the "simple" syntax is still available for Tags (e.g. B, F & BF). These are now supported in upper or lowercase.
I have also provided a suggestion for a structured Tag field that might look like this: "#GR=Group 1 #PC=F #AA=aaa". Where the field after the # is unique to the plugin (the key), and the field after the = is the given value.
To support this I have provided the code for a TagList class (in C#) to provide access to, update, create, add, etc Tag items to the Tag field. If Tag fields are manipulated only by the plugin then Tags items for plugins other than the current one should be preserved. Of course, the Tag field is also user editable and this introduces and possibility of errors being introduced accidentally. The code is included ion the zip file to vers 1.0.2
Comments and feedback most welcome