Hi. So in my extreme wanting to CNC everything. I modified a small metalwork lathe. Used it for the challenge of threading. A couple of other small jobs and its been in storage.
I need some help though please. I run a joinery workshop and have been asked to make 32 buttons for a restoration on a very old home. I immediately thought I will use some Jarrah I have which actually turns up really well on the metal lathe.
But Cambam, if I am correct, only works on profiling from the side? Is this correct? I want to profile on the front, the way we would when facing. I am here just asking if it can be done with Cambam, or if it cannot. I would be able to do everything from the side, all except for the very centre where there is a ball. I have attached a JPG of a roughly drawn up sample.
This is a paid job. Not highly paid but paid enough to buy some DIY software if anyone can let me know which to create the g code to face this part to shape. Sorry - not a machinist.