I found some fonts at NCPlot website here;
http://ncplot.com/stickfont/stickfont.htm , a free "StickFont Font Pack" can be downloaded there.
I thought it would be a little exercise to see if these fonts could be opened in CamBam, so please find attached a plugin to do just that.
Download and unzip the "StickFont Font Pack" to a location of your choice, install the Fonty plugin and restart CamBam.
The plugin called "Fonty" will appear in the Plugins folder.
A text entry form will appear similar to that of CamBam's,
1. click the "Open font file" button, navigate to your "StickFont Font Pack" folder and choose a font.
2. enter some text in the yellow text entry box, multiple lines are allowed.
3. set scale factor and arc fit (values can also be typed directly into the box without using the up/down buttons if desired)
A rule of thumb that seems to work for initial settings is to use an Arc Fit value of 1/3 * Scale Factor.
4. click the "OK" button
5. click at the text insertion point
The text will be drawn as Polylines.
These can then be moved, scaled, rotated or whatever from there.
Use an Engrave MOP to cut.
Edit: *************************
Version 2.0 attached
1. Errors reported were because the character was not found in the font file, they have definitions for English characters only. I substituted a "space" character for those not found.
2. Added a "scale factor", the plugin detects units used and selects suitable default values.
3. Added "Arc Fit", this makes the characters more rounded.
4. Added Undo point.
Version 3.0 attached
The plugin form will now remember these settings until CamBam is closed.
1. File name and font file data
2. Arc Fit value
3. Scale Factor value