I've been converting circles to poly lines
Ah yes, it's a good idea to avoid converting circles to polylines, but even with a circle converted to a polyline CB can use the Auto setting to get the diameter.
Currently, there is no way to go back after a circle has been converted to a polyline, but you can retrieve the center with draw/points/center(extended)
If you want to change the diameter, you can "resize" the polyline, but the resize function use the drawing center as transformation center so the location is also changed. Eddy's "In place resize" plugin can be used if only one hole need to be resized.
http://www.atelier-des-fougeres.fr/Cambam/Aide/Plugins/In%20Place%20Resize.htmlIf you have more than one polyline circle to resize (to the same size), you can use the following method:
- select all circle polylines that must be resized to a new diameter
- use Edit/Explode to convert all polylines to Arcs
- You end up with all arcs selected
- change the radius value for all arc in one shot
- with all arcs still selected, type CTRL J (join) on the keybard to redo polylines
- If the source polyline was linked to a MOP, you have to redo the link to the MOP