Hi Kelly
I'll try to be brief and describe the problem you have in a general way.
The manufacturer of your machine ships it with their own version of
GRBL a time locked in time 4th axis version.
That means that the firmware in the controller of your machine is
not compliant with the standard GRBL and may require the post processor
to be modified.
The test I did where I ran the .NC file you posted worked ok on my test system
a 2560 mega running a fresh version of GRBL 5 axis connected to GRBLMachine.
and every simulator I had, I'm thinking the code 33 error (a controller firmware error code)
a little about the error code here
https://discuss.inventables.com/t/12-0-002-grbl-arc-setting-question/30123/2meaning that the motion translator in the controller can not find the next co-ordinates to go onto, in an arc.
The manufacturer may have changed this value ($12) from the default GRBL settings values 11 and 12
are shown in the pic or they may have been corrupted just check yours against the ones in the GRBLMachine pic.
Because this is a Millrite version of GRBL they may require a modified string format for the decimals.
so I've made this post processor for you, open the zip file and extract the file to my documents, then from there
copy the file to CB's post processor folder like in the pic.
Start CB and in the machining tab select GRBL1Mrite from the drop down list of post processors, draw rectangle
then apply a mop (profile outside) to it and generate the Gcode.
Now click on the GRBLMachine and go to the connection tab and press connect after selecting the usb com port
then load up the .nc file you just made.
GRBLMachine will now ask if you want to use it's post processor or the one the CB file was generated with click no.
run the file, It should run through with no errors. If it works (the post processor) can also be used with UGS
Hope that sorts you out.