I did this file last night so things have moved on a bit post wise, however this may still help.
Thanks for that Dave. Much appreciated.
I'm assuming that you are still using Foam as the stock material and so have not included roughing and finishing mops, which would be required for machining metal.
I'm just using a 1" thick foam board for proofing. The actual part is only 3/8" thick and is a phenolic composite, which is a fair bit harder than most hardwoods. It's also a bit pricey thus the proofing. I'd rather not blow up a piece of phenolic stock if I can avoid it. I figured I could just change the stock thickness when I moved onto phenolic. On the actual piece, I was thinking I'd take Gary's suggestion and overstate the cutter diameter for roughing cuts and then follow with an identical MOP at full height cut on all machined features features. The other reason I was previously asking about order of cut were the features called "slide valve slots". They are cut at .3125 depth but in actuality it would only be .0625" depth of cut if the port was cut first.
As a general rule what you have done by calculating the X,Y offset and using the lower left hand corner at the top of the stock as XYZ = 0 is correct and the way most people would and should do this (you should do this first and if you run into problems) when you have many pieces to cut out and they have different stock dimensions and they must be registered then you can center the work piece’s around the origin of the drawing and indicate the center of the stock on the machine.
Since this part resides and is cut completely within an ample amount of stock, with all machining operations in one set up, I figure precision location of stock isn't that important and I can just draw the machine X&Y on my table/waste board and place the stock about the lines.
I have four more cb files mostly done. They cut the front and back side of two parts. They
do need to be positioned precisely but I just incorporated some registration holes in the corners of the stock that locate on registration pegs mounted in the waste board and would be the same for all four files/two parts. Don't know if that is how it is usually done but more on that later.
The last pic is how I organise the tree structure, I separate the mop's into parts so that the parts and mops read from top to bottom in operation order and you don't have to change the optimisation mode, this also facilitates structuring more complex file's using different tool's from multiple tool libraries.
Got it, thanks for that Dave. Where did the solid view of the cut part come from? Can that be generated in CamBam or is it a screen capture from other software? Seems useful for me to discuss parts here on the forum.
Good luck with the gremlins.
EMI problem. I had to reroute a cable. Not sure if it is poor or compromised cable shielding, or weakness in stepper or driver, but for now, sorted....I hope. Had me chasing my tail for a while. Also some problems with soft limit settings. Dont want to turn them off and invite a crash....especially since I don't know what I'm doing....LoL!