Merry Christmas !
A "2 rail sweep" is a common function in 3D graphics software.
Two 'rails' are selected and then a 'cross section', the plugin will create a surface between the rails using the cross section as a profile shape. It will scale the cross section according to the distance between rails.
1. following installation of the plugin it will appear in the Plugins menu as "Sweep2"
2. run the plugin, it will ask to select 2 rails.
use the normal method of selecting two objects, i.e. select one then while pressing Ctrl select the other, now press Enter.
3. it will ask to select a cross section object, select one then press Enter
4. the surface will be created.
Tips for use.
1. the rails must have their start points at the same end otherwise the surface will be twisted.
2. it's best to draw the rails and profile lines starting at the left hand end.
3. if things are not as you wish, Ctrl + Z will undo the operation.
4. if the surface is black use, Edit->Surface->Invert faces
5. if the surface is concave rather than convex, rotate it 180 degrees.
A sample cb file is attached.
Objects selected can be, polyline, spline, circle, arc, rectangle
the plugin will convert them to polylines internally.
Edit: 27 Dec. 2021
Version 2 attached
1. added an options form, when the "Save" button is pressed all parameters are saved to Windows' Registry for subsequent operations.
2. it will appear in the Plugins menu as "Sweep2 Options"
The options are;
"Rail Resolution" : this is the number of surface facets along the rails, higher value gives smoother surface but keep it as low as possible. (default is 100)
"Cross Section Resolution": this is the number of surface facets along the cross section, higher value gives smoother surface but keep it as low as possible. (default is 100)
"Height" : the height of the cross section and hence the surface at any point.
"Scaled" : the height is scaled according to the distance between rails at that point.
"As Cross Section" : the height will remain constant throughout at the actual height of the cross section object.
version 3 attached.
1. A value can now be entered for the height of the surface.